Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Relationship and ground rules?

An inspirational individual had a talk to me about trouble marriage. One of the thing he said to me that makes me wonder how true about it:-

If a husband had cheated and had an affair with a or more women, though she would never forget, the wife would always be able to forgive and stay with the husband for love or for the children.  
In the other hand, if a wife cheated and had an affair with a or more men, the husband usually would never forget nor would he forgive and leave the wife for the sake of his ego.  
Therefore, if a man is able to forgive his cheating wife and stayed for the sak of love and children, he is more of a man than any man in the world. 

I know some people with trouble marriages and admired these people who able to stay strong.

Though I am not married and fear of it, I don't think I would ever be such graceful to forgive the cheating bastard I married to. For me, marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman. Why marry if you can't say faithful?

Lobo, the boyfriend, is a faithful person - I think. That is how he is now. But I will never know what the future hold. So, I set some ground rules between us.

One, I allow him to cheat as long as there are no emotional attachment and safe "involvement". 
Two, my family, friend and I will not and never to now about his sexual affair. So if I am ever to know about it, it will be the end of us being US.  
Three, the other person needs to understand of the no emotional attachment so she would not come and bother me. And if she or they come crying and begging for me to leave him, I will gladly do so. 
Four, his affair will be very discreet and never to leave any sign of his secret involvement because he should know how I curious and sensitive I am about my instinct and how I believe my gut which always turn out to be real.
Five, drunk (alcohol) would never be a valid reason to blame of the involvement.
Those are the simple ground rules I had that does not involve marriage I made for him on the first year we got together. Yes, we did talked about marriage and the ground rules which I will only talk about it another time.

Boyfriend was sort of angry and upset when I told him about this ground rules thing. He thought I am setting it for the both of us when in fact the rules are only applied on him. Because I know I have no interest to involve with another man while I am in a serious relationship with him.

When he argued why set a ground rule as if I didn't believe in him to stay faithful. I told him how I believe that he is faithful like I believed the other one before him. It is just a "just in case" rules in our relationship and some part of me want to test him. In return, he sets his ground rule on me, never to get intimate involvement with any men no matter how discreet it is. Typical.... *roll eyes*

As time goes by, he comes to understand why I did and talk about the ground rule. He understand that I am an open person and quite a realist but to my surprise, he never took any chance or abuse the ground rules. I know very well of that because he is a bad liar whenever he tried to lie to me. He is a brilliant liar toward other people but not me. Unless you are able to read his body language and facial expression like I could.

My mother had said how I could ruin my relationship with this ground rules I made. She said that my ground rules would end up him cheating on me. I just said, well perhaps our mind does not work the same then and like my ground rules had stated, if I were to know about it, the relationship will just go crash and burn. And I always have something in my sleeves - oh, did I ever said how cunning I can be?

I know I am not the same with any other girl/woman/ladies out there. But I still believe that I am not the only one who could do like I do. Or perhaps because I believe in boyfriend so much, I could made the ground rules and expect him not ever to refer the ground rules.

So, do you set rules in your relationship/s?

Did you now?
Chewing gum while cutting onion will keep you from crying!
- JV

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