Sunday, October 21, 2012

Responding to Inquiry

"Ini bukan kerja saya."

Growing up, I was (indirectly) learned not to take responsibility if it is not belongs to me. But the education system as well as society had change that kid into an adult with helping hand. While I am not someone who helps a lot, I would help people when I think I should.

When I enter the working environment, I was told to be careful of the helps I could give and restrain on taking responsibilities that are not mine to keep. However, I come to realize that what I have been told at the beginning of my working days may not necessarily applicable in the office at the moment. Since we have such little amount of people and teamwork is a necessity. 

It is a rare occasion that one of us would utter the above statement among us or to the outsiders. The responsibilities may not be mine, but indirectly, I would be one of the person who are handling a small part of them. 

So when I heard the statement from a staff of another department when my office issued inquiries, I felt awkward talking to the person. Not because I hate it, I actually understand the reason why they utter the statement, I just felt awkward lah.

Instead of using the overly used phrase, why not say, something like:- 

- can I pass you to the person who are handling the matter you are inquiring for? I am sorry that I am not directly handling the issue.

instead of:-
- I don't know. I am a secretary not an accountant.

- Do you prefer to have the person who handle the issue to speak on the matter with you? I will ask him/er to get back to you when he is available.

instead of:-
- It wasn't me. I don't know anything. I will tell him/er you call when s/he is here.

So effective and proper words should be used when one is handling an inquiry. Nobody wants to know what your job description is or your unwillingness to avoid responsibilities.

Treat your communication skills as your image. You don't want people to know your weaknesses and blemishes. Looking good is not just limited to your physical look. It would also be shown through your interaction.

Did you know?
James Cameron's epic movie, The Terminator (1984),
was bought for one dollar by a production company.
It was a low budget film which cost $6.5M, 
expected to stay on the theater no more than a week.
But it hit box office and earned over $78M worldwide.
- JV

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