Monday, January 7, 2013

First Post for the New Year!

Even a thousand apologies cannot be accepted! I have abandoned this blog for 3 weeks! 

I even forgotten to schedule my 3 weeks worth of DIET 101 drafts! How clumsy I can be?! I will post all the 3 weeks of those drafts, including this week's on this Friday. 

The truth is, I have absolutely busy with works and personal life. Turns out, it is definitely not easy updating blog regularly, huh? Or is it just my bad habit of doing thing half-hearted-ly? tsk! tsk! tsk!

I hope that it is still not too late for me to wish each and everyone of you, a Happy Christmas and a blessed New Year! Yes, I changed the wishing style a bit. I felt like wishing 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year' is so over used already. Why not changed a bit? Ah! And we were counting the Lunar New Year! 10th and 11th February! 

Those who were unable to celebrate the Gregorian Calender's New Year because of what-ever-reason-there-might-be, you can always celebrate the Lunar New Year! I always have 1 resolutions for each new year and it is the same for this year. My first resolution for the Gregorian Calender's New Year is that I want to keep working hard to keep fit so that I got on the normal BMI measurement scale! I haven't went on the scale since before Christmas. I got a bit of a scare to see if I gain weight after so much eating and drinking. YIKES!

Anyway, let us give all the best wishes to my brother, Jenson who is celebrating his 31st birthday today. Oh! Which is also my baby niece 1st birthday, dear An-an! 

Apa lagi? Oh! Since Lobo had upgraded his phone from S2 to Note2, he (kinda) lend me his S2. My SE W995 was broken, but fixed, but he still insisted that I use his S2. Sooo.... I got upgraded also lah bah! 

Oh! Wishing Happy Newlyweds to my cuzzy Clarence and his wife for their recent New Year wedding. Also my nephew and his wife who got married on the beautiful date, 12 Dec 2012. As well as my niece and her husband who have their divine wedding reception last month! Jangan tanya saya "kau bila".... I will literally do the 'McKayla is not impress' face in front of this almighty computer screen. :ROFL:

Ah! I got such bad luck over the bridge of New Year. Sudah lah mata ni berkotut, then I got bitten by a nursing dog! Hey, chilllll~ It does not hurt one bit, 'kay... Seriously! But the injection I got at the hospital hurt like hell-will-burst-it's-flame! I am not a fan of injection but this one hurt baadddd~ Well not as bad as the second shot of Hepatitis vaccine I got back in 2003. That one almost make me faint, like for real! This recent shot I got... I don't even know what its called, but I think it is the one to prevent us, human, from getting rabies after getting animal bites? It made the injected area felt painful every time I used the injected arm for five days. It gradually ceased off any pain eventually. 

I did heard, but not directly to me, that the dog should be shot and killed for biting me as I was the third person it bitten. That scares the hell out of me. The dog did no harm but trying to protect its pup. I was the one to blame for forgetting that it is nursing and easily agitated. I might sound bit loony here, but I rather let my cousin keep the dog because it will come in handy if, knock wood, burglar come to any of our house. No worry though, no animal was harmed in this whole chaotic story. 

About my STYE or kotut in Sabahan slang, it got pretty worst last night. Yeah, my stye had been staying so loyaly on my left eye from 29 December till today! What a welcoming health! NOT! It did reduced three times it size compare to last night though. 2 of its pus had discharged itself, without me helping myself to compress them. After realizing the pus had discharged themselves, I quickly sanitize my hands, grab a magnifying mirror, cotton pads and torch. Then, I lightly lightly liiiiiiiiightly pressed on the tender area. It is disgusting to do especially when the pus is on the eye. But I just can't help be fascinated how the pus are flowing out with such light pressure. 

Oh~ I can finally wear my old sweater~~ which mean, I am definitely going on the right track toward my old body. I should try one of my old Cheetah polos. They are Medium size, if I could wear them comfortably, that means I am definitely gain back my old normal size! Huahuahuahuahua! WHO THE FRICKING FISH SAID DIETING WON'T HELP PEOPLE TO GET SKINNY! Don't you dare to say "I got lucky!" because luck only contribute 1% of the success I have today. I am lucky that I got the head-strong gene in my DNA. I don't know who passed me down that gene, definitely not one of my parents, but THANKS!

Too much updates in one post will bored people. So from here on, let be kind to one another and have joyous and prosperous days ahead. 


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