Friday, November 16, 2012

DIET 101 - PART II : The Risks "Chapter 2.3"?

Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!

DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.

Whenever people speak of Neurology, my mind just automatically click on the cartoon Jimmy Neutron. It was my favorite cartoon! So I thought Neurology is something to do with the brain only. I didn't know better because, well, my Science class was taught in Bahasa Malaysia instead of English. So pardon on my stupidity. LoL!

(dealing with the nervous system - berkaitan dgn sistem saraf)
-        Stroke caused by disturbance in blood supply to the brain, swelling of the veins with cholesterol, or bleeding in the brain due to hypertension, OR due to blood clot.
(strok atau angin ahmar disebabkan salur darah tersumbat lalu mengakibatkan bekalan darah ke sebahagian otak terganggu, atau pendarahan dalam otak yg disebabkan salur darah pecah akibat darah tinggi ATAU masalah darah beku dalam saluran darah dlm badan)
-        Meralgia paresthetica is numbness or pain in the outer thigh but NO injury to thigh, but by injury to a nerve that extends from the thigh to the spinal column.
(Kekebasan atau kesakitan pada peha BUKAN atas kecederan peha tersebut, tetapi kecederaan pada saraf yg ada pada bahagian peha sehingga bahagian tulang blakang)
-        Migraines
(x pyh translate. Sy rasa suma org tau.)
-        Carpal tunnel syndrome is an entrapment median neuropathy (direct pressure of the median nerve) which caused paresthesia (tickling, tingling, burning, pricking or numbness), pain, etc in the distribution of the median nerve due to its compression at the wrists in the carpal tunnel.
(Penyakit yg berlaku di pergelangan tangan disebbkan penggunaan yg berulang. Umumnya diturunkan secara genetik)
-        Dementia, a set of symptom (Short time memory, mind speech & motor skills, change in personality, lost of certain skills or knowledge that they already had) which affects the way people think and interact with one another. Not a disease but linked to a damage done to the brain.
(bukanlah sejenis penyakit, tetapi kerosakan/ kematian sel-sel otak secara abnormal. Overall, pesakit menjadi lembap tidak kira apa saja yg dilakukan.)
-        Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, a neurological disorder characterized by increased pressure around the brain in absence of tumor or other diseases. Symptoms include nausea, headache and vomiting, buzzing in the ears synchronous with the pulse – pulsatile tinnitus, double vision and other. If not treated, it could lead to vision loss due to swelling of the optic disc in the eye.
(gangguan saraf yg didefinisikan sebagai tekanan berterusan di sekitar otak disbbkan tumor atau lain2 penyakit. Symptom adalah termasuk rasa mual, sakit kepala & muntah2, vision berganda dll. Jika tidak diubati segera, ia akan menyebabkan kehilanggan panca indera penglihatan disbbkan bengkakan di optic disc dlm mata)
-        Multiple sclerosis, MS, is a very serious & progressive health condition where the fatty sheaths around the axons of the brain/spinal cords are damaged. MS decrease life expectancy and are more common among women.
(Masalah kesihatan yg serius dan berterusan dimana kerosakkan terjadi pada selubung Myelin di sekeliling akson dlm otak/saraf tunjang. Jangka hayat pengidap MS adalah pendek dan MS juga adalah penyakit yg biasanya dihidapi oleh kaum hawa)

So I always know Obesity could effect health especially with fat, cholesterol in the nervous system but never care to understand better. Only when I met Dr Jainah, she explain how migraines can be a cause from my obesity. And dementia scares me A LOT! I do kinda have some mild short term memory probs, but I don't want it to become something as a medical problem pula. Do you?

Do you know?
Cutis Verticis Gyrata is a rare condition causes the subject's
scalp to thicken and develop very distinct ridges and ruts.
Thus make he scalp surface looks like BRAIN!
Click here to read more and see the weird picture!
- JV

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