Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!
DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.
People fear of dieting because they are afraid that they will have gastric. What many people doesn't know that if they do not practice balance diet soon, they may or will get these medical problem that connected to the health of our tummy:-
(dealing with stomach & intestines - sistem
penghadam mcm perut, usus, dll)
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD, chronic symptom
of mucosal damage caused by stomach acid coming up from the stomach into the
esophagus. GERD caused heartburn, trouble swallowing, increased salivation,
chest pain, nausea, etc.
(Kerosakan/masalah pada membran
mukosa, lapisan kulit dalam, yg disbbkn asid perut naik dari organ perut ke
esofagus/kerongkong. GERD akan menyebbkn pedih ulu hati, kesukaran utk
menelan, sakit dada, muntah2, dll. )
- Fatty liver disease, or in this case, Non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease, NAFLD, occured when fat is deposited into the liver NOT
due to excessive alcohol use. It is related to insulin resistance and
metabolic syndrome..
(Masalah pembuangan lemak ke organ
hati yg bukan dissbkn oleh penggunaan arak/minuman beralkohol yg berlabihan.
Penyakit ini boleh dikaitkan kepada masalah kerintangan insulin and sindrom
- Cholelithiasis or gallstones. The risks increases for
females, especially before menopause. Caused by combination of factors
including inherited body chemistry, body weight, gallbladder motility and
perhaps diet.
(Masalah batu karang ginjal. Risiko
utk menghidap penyakit ini adalah lebih tinggi terhadap kaum wanita yg belum
menopause/monopos. Penyakit ini adalah disbbkn penggabungan pelbagai faktor
seperti reaksi kimia tubuh badan yg diturunkan dari ibubapa, berat badan,
pemakanan dan pergerakan batu karang.)
When you see an obese person throwing their gut out in the toilet, don't get judgemental yet. It does not mean that they are being bulimic to get skinny. They might have GERD.
AND don't get assumption that obese people do not get gastric. I know that feeling when I say I got gastric, doubtful mocking eyes that say "YOU? Gastric? Didn't you eat enough?" staring at me like I was saying something ridiculous.
For non Malaysian/Sabahan readers, I don't know if you use the same term, but please note that when a Sabahan says s/he is having gastric, it does not necessarily means s/he got an gastric ulcer. S/he is either saying s/he threw up gastric/stomach acid or severe gastric pain from a mucosal erosions. A Sabahan will insist that s/he is having gastric "only" and will never admit it is a gastric ulcer until s/he is admitted to the hospital for the illness. We are just awesome like that. *note the sarcasm*
Till next time, gorgeous!
Do you know?
Bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers
were all invented by women.
- JV
were all invented by women.
- JV
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