Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!
DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.
Bones are not only to help us to move around and about, we have bones because we need them to support our heavy muscles. Not to forget, bones like the rib-cage and skull are to protect the important but fragile organs like the brain, heart and the lungs. Oh! The bone marrow, soft flexible tissue on the heads of long bones like the femur, help us to produce red blood cells.
So here what obesity can effect our bones:-
Rheumatology & Orthopedics
(dealing with the joints & human musculoskeletal
system - berkaitan dgn tulang lembut, ligamen tulang & tulang2)
Gout (Gaut)
Poor mobility
(pergerakan terhad/terganggu)
- Osteoarthritis normally affects older people where the
joints wear out. There are suppose to be a layer of of surface of the joint
but wear out due age and exposed the naked bone to rub against other naked
bone. It cause stiffness, pain and may be swelling. Can be prevented with
drinking calcium
(Biasanya terjadi pada org tua
dimana sendi terasa sakit/pedih/ngilu akibat keradangan ringan yg timbul
akibat gesekan diantara ujung tulang penyusun sendi. Diantara tulang2 sendi
bisanya terdapat satu lapisan rawan dan apabila meningkat umur, rawan
tersebut menjadi nipis dan akhirnya hilang akan mengakibatkan masalah
osteoartritis. Kondisi ini boleh dicegah dari awal dengan memperbanyakkan
minum susu berkalsium tinggi)
- Low back pain, in this case, caused by extreme
obese/huge belly and lack of exercises.
(sakit pinggang
disbbkan kegemukkan yg melampau/ perut buncit dan kurang bersenam.)
I have quite the problems when it comes to back pain when I was still an obese. That reminds me, everytime I consume foods with high Ajinomoto (monosodium glutamate), I'm not sure and haven't have any expert opinion on this but I think it is from the MSG, I got such terrible back pain that would spread to my feet and head. It annoys the hell out of me and decided to leave Ajinomoto for guesses food instead of mine. Hehe..
Next health risk in Obesity will follow right up after this.
Next health risk in Obesity will follow right up after this.
Did you know?
Snails can sleep for 3 years without eating!
Wow! That is a whole new kind of anorexia!
- JV
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