Tuesday, November 27, 2012

5 Pakistanis Men Arrested For Rape And Murder Of An Underage.

Update 3 Dec 2012: Like I have said, this thing surely become a political issue. Is it  a good thing or pathetic? I am not sure either. But politics sometimes help to solve this kind of things. Hope and pray for Norikoh.

Update 30 Nov 2012: Here some newspaper cuttings that reported that the victim was not rape and killed like it was claimed by the social media.
I took the photo and upload it here from 1SS FB Page

I took the photo and upload it here from JLyna Benton Lance
Okay, so how did the individual who spreads the earlier claims got his info? I really would like to know. What a sad story of the victim. Give a round applaud to the police to for their responds for this matter. 
I have to say that those people who heard the story and start lashing out with bad words, threatening to kill those immigrants and made racist remarks are... I can't find of an appropriate word... ungraceful if I may? We kept telling ourselves as the polite, kind-hearted and intelligent when we act obnoxious, unintelligent and barbaric. 
Like I said, no matter what is the suspects ethnicity, race and nationality, he/she/they should be trialed and if found guilty, a punishment that is commensurate with the crime committed. 

P/s: Of all the chaos, who are we to judge? only the victim and the criminal would know what happened between them. I believe that Karma do exist. What goes around will back come around. May be not now or tomorrow; not this life or another. But if afterlife exist, God will definitely pay the hell out of the individual/s who did this to the girl. My prayers and my sympathy are for the victims family as well. It must be very hard on them duringthis period of time. 

Update 29 Nov 2012: Police had denied both rape claim and involvement of Pakistanis Nationality with the incident. Police also urge witness, especially Mr John Charles Mitah Mikat to lodge a report if he possess any evidence to his claims.

Photo taken from Ni Kali Lah Facebook

Mangsa adalah gadis berumur 15 tahun. Dipercayai telah dirogol oleh lima orang pekerja kedai perabot yang berasal dari Pakistan. Mangsa ditemui pada 1p.m, kelmarin. Laporan polis telah dilakukan pada hari yang sama. Suspek kemudiannya telah berjaya ditangkap hari ini ketika suspek cuba mengembalikan MyKad mangsa. 

Kejadian bermula pada pagi kelmarin. Mangsa dikatakan menemani kakak dan sepupunya mencari kerja di Pekan G. Di pekan yang sama mangsa dan kakak dan sepupunya pergi ke sebuah kedai perabot. Mangsa yang ingin membeli sebuah almari telah dibawa ke tingkat atas oleh pekerja kedai perabot terbabit kerana dikatakan ada almari yang lebih cantik lagi di tingkat atas kedai. Kakak dan sepupu mangsa meninggalkan mangsa seorang diri dikedai tersebut (mungkin untuk mencari kedai2 lain yang menawarkan kerja kosong). 
Beberapa jam kemudian mereka menyedari mangsa hilang dan membuat laporan polis. Mangsa semasa kemudiannya ditemui dengan keadaan yang amat menyayat hati; dengan mata yang hampir terkeluar, rambut kusut, mulut ternganga dengan kesan merah, jari-jemari terpisah dan kejang manakala sebelah kakinya bengkok. 

Melalui bedah siasat, doktor mengesahkan mangsa telah dirogol berkali-kali lebih daripada seorang lelaki. Menurut saksi, mangsa telah dihumban melalui sebuah lori yang disyaki milik kedai perabot tempat terakhir mangsa lawati. 

Sumber daripada individu yang boleh dipercayai. 
Photo by and info by : John Charles Mitah Mikat.

(translate for general reading)
A 15-year-old girl was raped and later killed by five (5) furniture shop employees , who are also believed as Pakistan Nationality. The victim was found 1 P.M yesterday. A police report had been made on the same day and suspect was arrested today when the suspect tried to return the victims MyKad (Malaysian Identification Card)

It all begins yesterday morning, when the victim accompanied her sister and a cousin to look for job at 'G' Town. They went to a furniture shop together at the same town. The victim, who wanted to purchase a cupboard, was brought to the upper level of the store because the furniture employee said there are more and better looking cupboards upstair. She was alone while her sister and cousin left her and went to another store (probably to look for vacancy at another store).

The sister and cousin realize that the victim is no where to be found few hours later and decided to make a police report. The victim was later found in a tragic condition; her eyes were almost bulged out, messy hair, gaped mouth with red marks, separated fingers (I am not clear what they mean by this) and strained while one of her foot was crooked.

Through an autopsy, the doctor validated that the victim was raped repeatedly by more than one (1) individual.Witness said that the victim was thrown from a lorry, which suspected to be owned by the same furniture store, which is also the last place where the victim was located.

Sources by trustworthy individual.
Photo by and info by : John Charles Mitah Mikat.


It is yet another brutality against women. I was not bothered by the suspects nationality, but I am extremely unhappy that such an tragic incidents could happen to a beautiful young lady. Very young with many opportunities and experiences to venture out. 

I know people out there would talk about how Pakistan this, PATI there, illegal immigrant and all sorts of political issues would probably screams out on the paper tomorrow. But the fact that the girl is underage and was raped before murdered CANNOT BE IGNORED!

No matter what the nationality is or the ethnicity are, they are 5 suspects that needs to be trialed. If found guilty, SEND THEM TO THE GUILLOTINE!!! 

Prayers and condolences to the victims family.

Friday, November 23, 2012

DIET 101 - PART II : The Risks "Chapter 2.4"?

Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!

DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.

I know people are still crazy on PSY the Gangnam Man and I am too! I have not get bored of his Gangnam Style song! 


Not many problem regarding psychiatry in obesity. But that doesn't mean that they are minor. In fact, psychiatry problem usually prone to lead bigger health issue toward the subjects.

(dealing with mental problems/disorder - berkaitan dgn kesihatan mental)
-        Depression in women
(Kemurungan dikalangan kaum wanita)
-        Social stigmatization is the extreme dissaproval/discontent with a person on the ground od characteristic that distinguish them from other members of a society.
(Stigma sosial terjadi apabila sesuatu kelompok tidak dpt menerima kondisi seseorg yg lain kerana percaya bahawa org tersebut melawan sosial norma yg ada/biasa bg kelompok tersebut.)

I said before, psychiatry lead to bigger health issue because Depression sometimes can lead the subjects to eat more because eating make them "feel" good. It makes the subject feel happy like they are in the right place. Like when I was obese, when somebody mock how heavy, unhealthy and ugly I look in my "fat suit", I tend to eat more. I make myself felt better that way and have this unhealthy thinking that those people who said like that to me could never have this indulgence ever. 

The Lobo once said: "The wound that cannot be seen nor bleed hurt more than the visible one." I couldn't agree more. 

Do EVER you know?
Barbara Bush, the dear mother of George W. Bush the 43rd President of USA,
and a former First Lady herself 
(Her husband is the 41st President of USA, George H. W. Bush)
had exchange letter with Marge Simpson of the Simpson family cartoon!
It all began with a comment that had the word 'dump'.
Click here to read more of the exchange letter.
Don't worry. Not virus bah~~
- JV

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

50 Jays of Jesselton

Have you heard of the "50 Shades of Grey"?
Bukan Sasha Grey the former porn star kio!
Pic from http://fraenrico.carcosa.it/?p=1533

So 50 Shades of Grey is a trilogy erotic novel. 
When I say erotic, it REALLY IS AN EROTIC NOVEL! 

But it is not erotic like girl kiss girl or boy kiss boy OR girl kiss & S*Xing boy. It is extremely erotic in terms of BDSM. 

BDSM is a type of softcore and hardcore sexual act/activity that includes Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, Masochism. Thus the name BDSM.

Before you say eww! some more, the idea of the novel 50 Shades of Grey, was supposed to be an adult fan-fic for Twilight. Ya, the vampire books & movies. So basically, it was like the softy vampires kena kasi jadi goth and dark balik. Add some whip, cuffs segala. -- my stomach starts to turn....

I am not sure if the actual early version of the fanfic punya characters are vampires. BUT, 50 Shades of Grey is about a male and female protagonists who discover love through BDSM. 

I haven't read the novels but I did read the synopsis. I quite like the plot but considering the fact that it is an erotic novel.... I don't know if I want to buy it or not. Imagine the HORROR if my mama or papa got into my room and found the book! *GASP!*

Eww.. eww... eww! Get it outta my head! 

I have seen it in TIMES bookstore. The temptation to buy~~ 

HAH! ya lah tu....

So would you buy one? 

Would you read it if it is free?

Is it an abomination for the literature world?

I was thinking of buying a set of Twilight. Or... anyone would care to sponsor me?


The trilogy's book cover.
Pic from DorkAdore 

Did you know?
The Victorian era is not an era for the prudes.
The are proofs of BDSM exists during the prudish society!
OhmyG! So much of admiring them...
- JV

Friday, November 16, 2012

DIET 101 - PART II : The Risks "Chapter 2.3"?

Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!

DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.

Whenever people speak of Neurology, my mind just automatically click on the cartoon Jimmy Neutron. It was my favorite cartoon! So I thought Neurology is something to do with the brain only. I didn't know better because, well, my Science class was taught in Bahasa Malaysia instead of English. So pardon on my stupidity. LoL!

(dealing with the nervous system - berkaitan dgn sistem saraf)
-        Stroke caused by disturbance in blood supply to the brain, swelling of the veins with cholesterol, or bleeding in the brain due to hypertension, OR due to blood clot.
(strok atau angin ahmar disebabkan salur darah tersumbat lalu mengakibatkan bekalan darah ke sebahagian otak terganggu, atau pendarahan dalam otak yg disebabkan salur darah pecah akibat darah tinggi ATAU masalah darah beku dalam saluran darah dlm badan)
-        Meralgia paresthetica is numbness or pain in the outer thigh but NO injury to thigh, but by injury to a nerve that extends from the thigh to the spinal column.
(Kekebasan atau kesakitan pada peha BUKAN atas kecederan peha tersebut, tetapi kecederaan pada saraf yg ada pada bahagian peha sehingga bahagian tulang blakang)
-        Migraines
(x pyh translate. Sy rasa suma org tau.)
-        Carpal tunnel syndrome is an entrapment median neuropathy (direct pressure of the median nerve) which caused paresthesia (tickling, tingling, burning, pricking or numbness), pain, etc in the distribution of the median nerve due to its compression at the wrists in the carpal tunnel.
(Penyakit yg berlaku di pergelangan tangan disebbkan penggunaan yg berulang. Umumnya diturunkan secara genetik)
-        Dementia, a set of symptom (Short time memory, mind speech & motor skills, change in personality, lost of certain skills or knowledge that they already had) which affects the way people think and interact with one another. Not a disease but linked to a damage done to the brain.
(bukanlah sejenis penyakit, tetapi kerosakan/ kematian sel-sel otak secara abnormal. Overall, pesakit menjadi lembap tidak kira apa saja yg dilakukan.)
-        Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, a neurological disorder characterized by increased pressure around the brain in absence of tumor or other diseases. Symptoms include nausea, headache and vomiting, buzzing in the ears synchronous with the pulse – pulsatile tinnitus, double vision and other. If not treated, it could lead to vision loss due to swelling of the optic disc in the eye.
(gangguan saraf yg didefinisikan sebagai tekanan berterusan di sekitar otak disbbkan tumor atau lain2 penyakit. Symptom adalah termasuk rasa mual, sakit kepala & muntah2, vision berganda dll. Jika tidak diubati segera, ia akan menyebabkan kehilanggan panca indera penglihatan disbbkan bengkakan di optic disc dlm mata)
-        Multiple sclerosis, MS, is a very serious & progressive health condition where the fatty sheaths around the axons of the brain/spinal cords are damaged. MS decrease life expectancy and are more common among women.
(Masalah kesihatan yg serius dan berterusan dimana kerosakkan terjadi pada selubung Myelin di sekeliling akson dlm otak/saraf tunjang. Jangka hayat pengidap MS adalah pendek dan MS juga adalah penyakit yg biasanya dihidapi oleh kaum hawa)

So I always know Obesity could effect health especially with fat, cholesterol in the nervous system but never care to understand better. Only when I met Dr Jainah, she explain how migraines can be a cause from my obesity. And dementia scares me A LOT! I do kinda have some mild short term memory probs, but I don't want it to become something as a medical problem pula. Do you?

Do you know?
Cutis Verticis Gyrata is a rare condition causes the subject's
scalp to thicken and develop very distinct ridges and ruts.
Thus make he scalp surface looks like BRAIN!
Click here to read more and see the weird picture!
- JV

Monday, November 12, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

DIET 101 - PART II : The Risks "Chapter 2.2"?

Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!

DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.

When I was obese, I got some serious hormonal problem. Well, heh! I don't really know if it was serious. But I felt like it was serious. Of course I felt it was serious when it comes to my appearance. My face was covered with pimples, acne, blackheads, whiteheads, cystic acne,..... You name it, I got it all on my face! 

I do have acne problems right now, but not as much as when I was obese. My face finally calms down and serious problem rose before till when I was on my periods and that one week when the uterus is readying itself for ovulation. 

I was warned by Dr Jainah that I got my acne problem and multiple menstrual problems due to my obesity. This is one of the reason I got so determined to be on diet. Apart from that, I was also warned of other things I was scared of that are regarding to hormone and reproductive field.

Endocrinology & Reproductive meds
(dealing with hormones & reproduction problems - berkaitan dgn sistem hormon & sistem peranak/ perbidanan)
-        Diabetes mellitus or just Diabetes is a disease which a person has high sugar level in his/er blood. Resulted from lack of insulin (hormone that control glucose level in the blood) in the body, or the body/ cells face problem/ unable to use insulin it produces.
(Penyakit kencing manis disebabkan kekurangan insulin, sejenis hormone yg mengawal kandungan gula dlm darah, dalam badan seseorg atau badan seseorg itu tidak mampu bertindak balas dengan insulin yg dihasilkan oleh tubuh itu sendiri.)
-        Polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS, is one of the most common female endocrine disorders. Produces symptom like acne, hirsutism, resistance to insulin, overweight and high cholesterol levels
(Gangguan hormone yg paling umum dan biasanya dialami oleh kaum wanita berblg bangsa sewaktu umur akhil baligh. Salah satu sbb utama ketaksuburan. Menghasilkan symptom seperti jerawat, ketumbuhan bulu/rambut di bahagian tubuh perempuan yg biasanya tidk ditumbuhi, kerintangan insulin, kegemukan dan tinggi kandungan lemak dlm darah.)
-        Menstrual disorders, problems while in menstrual period like infrequent periods, short/extremely light periods, too frequent periods, extremely heavy or long periods, extremely painful periods, breakthrough bleeding/spotting(but quite normal for many women), absent periods.
(Masalah haid seperti menstruasi yg jarang atau tidak teratur, tempoh menstruasi yg pendek atau kurang darah apabila mesntruasi, tempoh mestruasi yg panjang dan byk darah apa bila menstruasi, senggugut, darah haid menggumpal tetapi symptom yg biasa dialami oleh ramai wanita, tiada menstruasi.)
-        Infertility
-        Complications during pregnancy
(Masalah sewaktu mengandung)
-        Birth defects. Example: Cleft palate
(Kecacatan kandungan. Cth: Sumbing mulut)
-        Intrauterine fetal death or simply stillbirth
(kematian kandugan dalam perut)

I may dislikes the idea of having children (don't get me wrong, I love kids. Just dislikes the idea it came out of my ........ You fill in the blank.) Still, I may be ready for it one day (having children I mean), I don't want to be the cause of my future husband unable to have normal healthy babies just because of my selfish gluttony. And I don't want my kids, or any kids in this world to live with any kind of birth defect. When my favorite aunt gave birth to a stillbirth baby, it was the hardest thing I have ever felt in my chest which also the same feeling being shared the whole huge family.

I also have this ridiculous insecurity that my future husband may left me for another woman or women for my incompetent to give him a normal healthy baby. Thus, I found a great strength for discipline of course.

Do you know?
Despite being about 2% of your body, your Brain burns 20% of your calories! 
It actually need that much calories to deliver information in and out of the brains.
No wonder zombies love eating human brains!!!
Heh! What a better excuse to use your brain more rather than living as a dumb bimbo~
- JV

Monday, November 5, 2012

Anti-virus or None At All?

I am not great in anything in particular. But I do have some good knowledge on certain things.

I love gadgets. Not bragging or anything, but technically I am actually bragging, I have some good grip on gadget tech and some computer knowledge. I don't know how to hack programs or internet security though, so if some one out there would be kind enough to teach me some hacking knowledge, please do! I would definitely love to hack my man-slut ex's Facebook, IF he dare to have one. Lol! 

So people know what is the World Wide Web, WiFi, Windows, Mac and all. But does anyone know that having an utterly expensive anti-virus DOES NOT guarantee your ass of a computer to be hacked or worse, "virusifed"? I know some people know but I am sure that many of my fellow friends don't.

I am bringing up this because a friend of a fellow friend of mine believe that, he can buy an expensive anti-virus for his computer and then he don't need to connect to the internet to have an update of his anti-virus. I told him that updates are important because there are hundreds, or probably millions of newly developed virus that could either damage the computer at once, slowly, or just kacau the system here and there. Not to forget phishing and spyware that could lead to identity theft or organizational spying purpose. But does he listen to me? Apparently, being a "mere little girl" that I am do not know stuff. Double standard? very.... Oh! Well, I don't care much anyway. I am no boss to anyone and it was not my money who buy the freaking laptop for him....

However, having no anti-virus at all can be lethal to your precious lappy or desktop as well. A better option to prevent your data from being virusified or stole, is to keep them from your computer. It's not only safe, your computer will have a lot of free space also. And make sure you have back-up for your data as well. You don't want to end up loosing all of your data when you lost your external hard-drive, don't you? Always to scan your thumb-drive or hard-drive with the updated anti-virus, especially if the data-driver is shared among computers.

Why? Let just pretend that the drives are penis and the computers and laptops are vajajay. If one penis is shared by a lot and lots of vajajays and the penis have not mind or disease detectors, of course the penis is bound to get STD or worse AIDS. That's why people wear condoms and have yearly check-ups for precautions. That is also why people scan their drives to any updated antivirus software, not to detect STD/AIDS, to detect software virus.

Prevention is better than cure. So get a cheap anti-virus or free if you can. And then, make sure it is updated daily. XXX

Did you know?
A lion can mate more than 50 times in one day.
Nasib they don't get STD for that or they will face extinction quicker.
- JV

Friday, November 2, 2012

DIET 101 - PART II : The Risks "Chapter 2.1"?

Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!

DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.

People who knows me personally know that I am not the fatty type. I was slender but not skeleton skinny. But McD, KFC, DailyFresh, errrr..... and many other "good" stuff fatten me. Trying on Melilea Greenfield to slim down does not help me at all. How other people can get slim fast with the supplementary meal is beyond my wonder. They really made me extremely jealous. When I was on the drink, I became bloated and made me hungry all the time. The exact opposite of what it suppose to do. I'm not saying the product is not good. NOT AT ALL. It just does not do any good to me like anyone who had succeed to slim down with it. From there, I finally believe the term "what good to others might not be good for you." that people always used in their blog and vlog. 

So how I become discipline with DIET is out of this world actually, and it's all thanks to Dr Jainah who explain. or should I say instill that scared-factor in my head that made me determined. So, for any of you who are obese and reading this to look for encouragement from a fellow obese that succeed to loose weight, you'll definitely in the right place. 

There is a Malay saying: "Tidak kenal maka tidak cinta." (Translation - that if you don't know, you will never love.) But in this case, the saying can be used as - If you don't know/learn, then you will never understand. If I have never known the severity of the risks I could face, I will never got anything within me to even think of dieting.

People who have problem with weight, especially obesity are prone to face a lot of health risks. But do you know what are those health risks? I always knew but never understand the severity of them all. I will divide this chapter into several groups to explain each of the health problem, according to it's medical field. Once again I remind readers discretion is highly advised as I AM NO DOCTOR or MEDICAL EXPERT. I am just a Sabahan girl who understand these diseases/illness, not like the back of my hand, but understand enough not to pamper myself and jump into the volcano of illness.