Update 30 Nov 2012: Here some newspaper cuttings that reported that the victim was not rape and killed like it was claimed by the social media.
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I took the photo and upload it here from 1SS FB Page |
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I took the photo and upload it here from JLyna Benton Lance |
Okay, so how did the individual who spreads the earlier claims got his info? I really would like to know. What a sad story of the victim. Give a round applaud to the police to for their responds for this matter.
I have to say that those people who heard the story and start lashing out with bad words, threatening to kill those immigrants and made racist remarks are... I can't find of an appropriate word... ungraceful if I may? We kept telling ourselves as the polite, kind-hearted and intelligent when we act obnoxious, unintelligent and barbaric.
Like I said, no matter what is the suspects ethnicity, race and nationality, he/she/they should be trialed and if found guilty, a punishment that is commensurate with the crime committed.
P/s: Of all the chaos, who are we to judge? only the victim and the criminal would know what happened between them. I believe that Karma do exist. What goes around will back come around. May be not now or tomorrow; not this life or another. But if afterlife exist, God will definitely pay the hell out of the individual/s who did this to the girl. My prayers and my sympathy are for the victims family as well. It must be very hard on them duringthis period of time.
Update 29 Nov 2012: Police had denied both rape claim and involvement of Pakistanis Nationality with the incident. Police also urge witness, especially Mr John Charles Mitah Mikat to lodge a report if he possess any evidence to his claims.
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Photo taken from Ni Kali Lah Facebook |
Mangsa adalah gadis berumur 15 tahun. Dipercayai telah dirogol oleh lima orang pekerja kedai perabot yang berasal dari Pakistan. Mangsa ditemui pada 1p.m, kelmarin. Laporan polis telah dilakukan pada hari yang sama. Suspek kemudiannya telah berjaya ditangkap hari ini ketika suspek cuba mengembalikan MyKad mangsa.
Kejadian bermula pada pagi kelmarin. Mangsa dikatakan menemani kakak dan sepupunya mencari kerja di Pekan G. Di pekan yang sama mangsa dan kakak dan sepupunya pergi ke sebuah kedai perabot. Mangsa yang ingin membeli sebuah almari telah dibawa ke tingkat atas oleh pekerja kedai perabot terbabit kerana dikatakan ada almari yang lebih cantik lagi di tingkat atas kedai. Kakak dan sepupu mangsa meninggalkan mangsa seorang diri dikedai tersebut (mungkin untuk mencari kedai2 lain yang menawarkan kerja kosong).
Beberapa jam kemudian mereka menyedari mangsa hilang dan membuat laporan polis. Mangsa semasa kemudiannya ditemui dengan keadaan yang amat menyayat hati; dengan mata yang hampir terkeluar, rambut kusut, mulut ternganga dengan kesan merah, jari-jemari terpisah dan kejang manakala sebelah kakinya bengkok.
Melalui bedah siasat, doktor mengesahkan mangsa telah dirogol berkali-kali lebih daripada seorang lelaki. Menurut saksi, mangsa telah dihumban melalui sebuah lori yang disyaki milik kedai perabot tempat terakhir mangsa lawati.
Sumber daripada individu yang boleh dipercayai.
Photo by and info by : John Charles Mitah Mikat.
(translate for general reading)
A 15-year-old girl was raped and later killed by five (5) furniture shop employees , who are also believed as Pakistan Nationality. The victim was found 1 P.M yesterday. A police report had been made on the same day and suspect was arrested today when the suspect tried to return the victims MyKad (Malaysian Identification Card)
It all begins yesterday morning, when the victim accompanied her sister and a cousin to look for job at 'G' Town. They went to a furniture shop together at the same town. The victim, who wanted to purchase a cupboard, was brought to the upper level of the store because the furniture employee said there are more and better looking cupboards upstair. She was alone while her sister and cousin left her and went to another store (probably to look for vacancy at another store).
The sister and cousin realize that the victim is no where to be found few hours later and decided to make a police report. The victim was later found in a tragic condition; her eyes were almost bulged out, messy hair, gaped mouth with red marks, separated fingers (I am not clear what they mean by this) and strained while one of her foot was crooked.
Through an autopsy, the doctor validated that the victim was raped repeatedly by more than one (1) individual.Witness said that the victim was thrown from a lorry, which suspected to be owned by the same furniture store, which is also the last place where the victim was located.
Sources by trustworthy individual.
Photo by and info by : John Charles Mitah Mikat.
It is yet another brutality against women. I was not bothered by the suspects nationality, but I am extremely unhappy that such an tragic incidents could happen to a beautiful young lady. Very young with many opportunities and experiences to venture out.
I know people out there would talk about how Pakistan this, PATI there, illegal immigrant and all sorts of political issues would probably screams out on the paper tomorrow. But the fact that the girl is underage and was raped before murdered CANNOT BE IGNORED!
No matter what the nationality is or the ethnicity are, they are 5 suspects that needs to be trialed. If found guilty, SEND THEM TO THE GUILLOTINE!!!
Prayers and condolences to the victims family.