DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.
People who knows me personally know that I am not the fatty type. I was slender but not skeleton skinny. But McD, KFC, DailyFresh, errrr..... and many other "good" stuff fatten me. Trying on Melilea Greenfield to slim down does not help me at all. How other people can get slim fast with the supplementary meal is beyond my wonder. They really made me extremely jealous. When I was on the drink, I became bloated and made me hungry all the time. The exact opposite of what it suppose to do. I'm not saying the product is not good. NOT AT ALL. It just does not do any good to me like anyone who had succeed to slim down with it. From there, I finally believe the term "what good to others might not be good for you." that people always used in their blog and vlog.
So how I become discipline with DIET is out of this world actually, and it's all thanks to Dr Jainah who explain. or should I say instill that scared-factor in my head that made me determined. So, for any of you who are obese and reading this to look for encouragement from a fellow obese that succeed to loose weight, you'll definitely in the right place.
There is a Malay saying: "Tidak kenal maka tidak cinta." (Translation - that if you don't know, you will never love.) But in this case, the saying can be used as - If you don't know/learn, then you will never understand. If I have never known the severity of the risks I could face, I will never got anything within me to even think of dieting.
People who have problem with weight, especially obesity are prone to face a lot of health risks. But do you know what are those health risks? I always knew but never understand the severity of them all. I will divide this chapter into several groups to explain each of the health problem, according to it's medical field. Once again I remind readers discretion is highly advised as I AM NO DOCTOR or MEDICAL EXPERT. I am just a Sabahan girl who understand these diseases/illness, not like the back of my hand, but understand enough not to pamper myself and jump into the volcano of illness.
So in this chapter, we are going to discuss diseases belong to the category for Cardiology:-
I made translation in Malay so people can understand better if my English is not good enough for human to understand.
In the next chapter, we are going to talk about the health risks of obesity involving with human's hormone & reproduction system.
Till then.
People who have problem with weight, especially obesity are prone to face a lot of health risks. But do you know what are those health risks? I always knew but never understand the severity of them all. I will divide this chapter into several groups to explain each of the health problem, according to it's medical field. Once again I remind readers discretion is highly advised as I AM NO DOCTOR or MEDICAL EXPERT. I am just a Sabahan girl who understand these diseases/illness, not like the back of my hand, but understand enough not to pamper myself and jump into the volcano of illness.
So in this chapter, we are going to discuss diseases belong to the category for Cardiology:-
Medical Field
(dealing with the heart and blood vessels - berkaitan
dgn jantung dan pembuluh darah/ urat)
- Ischemic heart disease, a name of a disease that
involved with the heart where ischaemia (reduced blood supply) of the heart
muscle, due to coronary artery disease or CAD (accumulation & swelling in
artery wall made up, mostly cholesterol/fatty acids, etc). It includes
symptoms like angina – chest pain; and myocardial infarction – heart attack.
(Penyakit jantung dimana tisu otot jantung tidak
menerima darah yg cukup, disebabkan oleh masalah kolestrol/lemak yg melekat
di dinding urat besar ateri. Tanda2 pesakit menghidapi penyakit ini adalah
sakit/pedih dada dan serangan jantung)
Congestive heart failure or simply, heart failure
is an inability of the heart to provide sufficient pump action to distribute
blood flow to feed the needs of the whole body.
(kegagalan jantung untuk berfungsi dimana organ
jantung tidak mampu mengepam darah yg cukup ke seluruh badan)
High blood pressure/ arterial hypertension. I
think everyone knows this.
(Tekanan darah tinggi)
Dyslipidemia or abnormal cholesterol levels
(gangguan jumlah lipid/kolestrol/lemak dlm darah)
Deep vein thrombosis or DVT is blood clot in deep
veins. And pulmonary embolism,
a blockage in the main artery that blocks blood from getting into the lungs
which can be caused by DVT.
(Masalah darah beku di urat dalaman. Pulmonary
embolism pula adalah satu situasi dimana sekatan di urat arteri utama yg
menyekat darah drpd sampai ke organ paru-paru boleh juga disbbkan DVT)
I made translation in Malay so people can understand better if my English is not good enough for human to understand.
Till then.
Do you know?
Everytime you LICK stamp, you consume 1/10 calorie?
Eww much?!
- JV
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