Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!
DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.
I have few relatives that are currently facing, survived and died because of tumors and cancers. I was quite ignorant and have a careless attitude about tumors and cancers before. However, went I was able to see first-hand how a cancer victim facing her days and trying to cope daily routine with bright hope to survive but passed on in the end, I become scared of myself. Chemotherapy does not sound as simple as it sound.
Hair loss, puking several time a day, no appetite and have to be IV-ed to replenished the body with nutrients, etc. I certainly don't want to see another of such scene, much less experience such trauma.
(dealing with tumor & cancer - berkaitan dgn
ketumbuhan & kanser)
Breast cancer can be caused by obesity, high fat diet, alcohol
intake and iodine deficiency. Ovarian
cancer can be caused by hormonal problem when it is related to obesity.
(Kanser payu dara boleh
disbbkn oleh kegemukkan yg melampau, pemakanan lemak tinggi, pengambilan
alkohol dan kekurangan iodin. Kanser
ovari pula boleh disbbkan masalah hormon jika dikaitkan dgn masalah
kegemukkan melampau.)
Esophageal cancer can
be caused by GERD on obese people. Colorectal
cancer or colon/bowel cancer
(somewhere in large intestine) caused by high intake of fat, alcohol or red
meat, obesity, smoking and lack of physical exercise.
(Kanser kerongkong dalam
masalah obesiti adalah dtg dari masalah penyakit GERD yg juga disbbkn
hakisan/kerosakan membran mukosa ketika menghidap masalah GERD. Kanser korektum atau barah kolon,
trjd d usus besar, adalah disbbkn pengambilan/pemakanan lemak tinggi, alkohol
atau daing merah, obesiti, merokok dan kurang senaman fizikal.)
Hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC, or Malignant Hepatoma is
the most common type of liver cancer.
The cause of HCC are Alcoholism, Hepatitis B & C, Aflatoxin, Cirrhosis of
the liver, Hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease and Type 2 Diabetes which aided
by obesity. Pancreatic cancer is cancer that affecting the pancreas. It
has poor prognosis or sign to indicate that there are cancer on the pancreas.
Less than 5% of patients surviving beyond 5 years after diagnosed. Apart from
smoking & family history, few of the risk factors are obesity, low
vegetables & fruits diets, sugar-sweetend drinks & high red meat
diets and others.
(Hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC, or
Malignant Hepatoma adalah salah satu kanser hati yg biasa terjadi. Secara
lazimnya, kanser ini terbentuk disebabkan pengambilan alkohol yg melampau,
Hepatitis B&C, Aflatoksin, Sirosis hati, Hemochromatosis, Wilson
penyakit dan Diabetes Jenis 2 yang dibantu oleh obesiti. Prognosis atau
kesan2 yg menunjukkan kehadiran kanser pankreas adalah lemah dan kurang
meyakinkan. Ini menyebabkan kurang daripada 5% pengidap kanser tersebut
mempunyai jangka hayat lebih dari 5 tahun selapas disahkan pengidap kanser pankreas.
Selain daripada sejarah kesihatan keluarga dan amalan merokok, terdapat
beberapa faktor2 lain yg meningkatkan risiko sesorg itu utk menjadi pengidap
kanser pankreas. Faktor2 tersebut adalah seperti obesiti, rendah kandungan sayur-sayuran
& buah-buahan dalam diet seharian, tinggi kandungan gula dalam minuman
& daging merah dalam diet seharian dan lain-lain. )
Gallbladder cancer is not a common cancer but incidence of the cancer had
certainly become alarmingly increased mainly in China. Women are twice more
prone to get the cancer than men. Stomach
cancer causes about 800k death WORLDWIDE per year. It could develop from
any part of the stomach.
(Kanser pundi hempedu bukanlah
kanser yg biasa terjadi. Namun begitu, kes2 kanser tersebut telah dilaporkan
meningkat terutamanya di negara China. Kaum wanita berisiko tinggi untuk
mendapatkan kanser tersebut berbanding dengan kaum lelaki. Kanser perut
menyebabkan lebih kurang 800 ribu kematian di SELURUH DUNIA setiap tahun. Ia
boleh terjadi dimana-mana kawasan perut.)
Endometrial cancer involved on the endometium, the inner membrane or the
lining of the uterus. Cervical cancer is
cancer of the cervix, the entrance of the uterus/womb, or cervical area.
(Endometrium adalah lapisan atau
selaput dinding rahim yg menjadi tempat ovum, yg telah disenyawakan,
menempel. Tetapi, kanser endometrium adalah ketumbuhan dimana lapisan
tersebut tumbuh dikawasan luar rahim seperti tiub falopio,ovari atau saluran
menuju ke vagina. Kanser serviks atau barah pangkal rahim adalah merupakan
barah yg ke-2 tertinggi kejadiannya di kalangan wanita Malaysia. Biasanya
terjadi pada kawasan serviks atau pangkal/laluan masuk ke kawasan
rahim/uterus. )
Prostate cancer
develop in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Kidney cancer or Renal cell
carcinoma, RCC, is curable if found early. However, the prognosis or sign
that indicates the cancer is poor and not easily found.
(Kanser prostat terjadi pada
prostat, satu kalenjar pada sistem pembiakan lelaki. Kaser ginjal atau
Hipernefroma boleh diubati jika dikesan awal. Tetapi, prognosis atau tanda2
yg menunjukkan kehadiran kanser tersebut adalah lemah dan tidak begitu tepat.
Maka, kanser tersebut adalah sukar dikesan awal.)
Non-hodgkin’s lymphomas, NHLs, are a diverse group of blood cancer that
include any kind of lymphoma except Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Note: Lymphoma occurs
when lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells begin behaving abnormally. They
may devide faster or live longer than they are suppose to. Multiple myeloma which also known as
Plasma cell myeloma or Kahler’s disease, is cancer of plasma cells. Plasma
cells is a type of white blood cell that responsible for producing
(Limfoma bukan Hodgkin atau NHL adalah kumpulan pelbagai kanser darah
yg membabitkan beberapa jenis limfoma kecuali limfoma Hodgkin. Nota: Limfoma
terjadi apabila limfosite, sejenis sel darah putih bertindak tidak normal.
Limfosit tersebut bertindak sama ada membiak/membahagi dgn cepat atau jangka hayat
yg lebih lama daripada limfosit biasa.)
Since a close relative passed, I have asked 2 doctors about cancer to educate myself on the subject. Both doctors had explained to me with different kind of words and ultimately made me understand that;-
One, each and every of all healthy people has equal risks of getting cancer. Genetics or family medical history may enhance the risks of one to get cancer.
Two, all cancer begins with cells. This explains why every of all healthy people has equal risks of getting cancer.
Three, there must have trigger for cells to turn into cancer cells. It could be DNA mutation on cells occurred and made cells become damage, they do not die, instead forms tumor; It could also effected by external source like products that contain carcinogens agent such as parabens (found in most beauty products in form of butylparaben, methylparaben, ethylparaben & propylparaben. jeng jeng jeng....), formaldehyde (mostly in beauty and cleaning products), asbestos (asbestos ceilings are often used in home and office)... However, contacting with these carcinogens properties are inevitable but minimize of usage is advice.
Did you know?
In Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, oil is cheaper than their water.
Wah! Tu barulah! Ya Tuhan, bukakanlah hati para pemimpin di M'sia
supaya kasi turun harga minyak M'sia ni jadi lebih murah
dari air paip rumah sy jugak. Amen!
- JV
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