Wednesday, March 6, 2013

JayOtaku: Naruto

First post on JayOtaku tag! Yay! 

Cue cricket sound.....

Well I cannot consider myself as an Otaku because I do not have an obsessive interest with manga, anime and games. My interests are quite moderate but enough to cause me to distract me from anything I was suppose to do. Tee-hee!

As to an honor of my first post of the JayOtaku, I will be posting about my all time favorite manga:-

For every bold words/phrase with * symbol with them, please refer to Naruto basic 101 below. Wink!

Naruto Shippuden or just Naruto is an adventurous plus action story of a boy name Uzumaki Naruto who dreams to be a *Hokage.

Naruto parents, sacrifice themselves to install the 9-tailed-fox beast, *Kurama, into his body to save the village from the beasts rage. Unbeknownst by anybody but the highest members of the Konohagakure's governments, Naruto's father is actually the ...(spoiler. so can't tell. Tee-hee)... Naruto's mother, in the other hand, was from the  Uzumaki *clan, the only clan that able to become Kurama *Jinchuriki.

Naruto was hated, or rather, the beast inside him was despised by the villagers for its destruction on the village. However, the hatred was soon change by Naruto's carefree, optimism, courage as well as Naruto's ability to save the village from one after one destruction from multiple enemies.

Naruto is a story of love, friendship, team-spirit and family. There are some comical here and there but mostly action. Definitely not your regular childish cartoon. Both manga and anime is not really suitable for child under 12. Unless you like you 8 year old staring at some busty chick and perverted toad!

*Naruto basic 101:  
Hokage is a title of the village head of the Konohagakure or Village of the Leaf in English.

Jinchuriki is a human vessel to seal, hold or trap a powerful mystical monster. Most Jinchuriki are either feared or hated but not Jinchuriki him/herself, rather than that, it was the monster that was sealed within them.

Kurama is the 9-tailed-fox. It is currently sealed within Naruto. Only the Uzumaki clan was known to be the Junchuriki of this beast: Uzumaki Mito, Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto.

Clan refers to a house, a family or probably and ethnicity. Every clan have their own unique appearance and ability as well as certain role in their village. 
For example, the Uzumaki clan is known for their Fuinjutsu, a powerful sealing technique, which the Uzumakis use to seal objects, living beings, *chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. They are also known for their longevity and life force, thus being the only clan to seal the powerful Kurama within them. Sealing a powerful beast, especially Kurama within an inappropriate or weak candidate can lead to death for the jinchuriki and then cause havoc if Kurama is to be released. Most Uzumaki clan are red haired. Their roles, of course, to become the candidate of the next Jinchuriki. Other than that, they can become a *shinobi to protect the village by using their fuinjutsu at times of war. Their clan's symbol is spiral, ironically, Uzumaki means whirlpool. 

Chakra is an energy force that is used even for a basic technique like walking on the water, exhaling fire or creating illusion.

Shinobi for men and kunoichi for women are both refer to ninja.

For more information of Naruto, please go to this link here.

- JV

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pray for Lahad Datu

Ahh~ the internet at the office is finally going a little itsy bitsy better than yesterday! Not that I don't have internet at home, but I try to minimize using electricity for the better tomorrow and I need much rest for the next day. 

I will try to post the DIET 101 today. I have been extremely busy at work as well.

Talk about busy, the Sabahans are getting busy creating speculations and rumors regarding of the invasion of Royal Sulu Army. Even the government was thrown into the conspiracy theory spawned by some unknown individuals. 

I have stopped follow up with the news over Youtube as it is hurtful to see those brainless comments about how Malaysians are this, Sabahans are that, Filipinos like this this and how Sabah is dot dot dot. These people talks like they knew better regarding the situation; like they can deal them easily. Tough luck, it is easier said than done. 

I don't really know the specific history of my homeland, but I know that some northern part of Sabah was given to the Sultan Sulu by the Brunei's royal for their help. Then came British Company who colonize us Sabah for years, after dealing some paper works and some currency as rent for those parts that were belong to the Sultan Sulu. After the WWII and all, Sabah eventually joined with Sarawak, Singapore and Malaya to form Malaysia despite the disagreement of the Sultan Sulu and Indonesian President at the time. 

And since around 10 am, my facebook page had been full with statuses to pray for Lahad Datu as shootings had occurs. Though I had been supportive of whatever the leaders of my country decisions regarding to the safety of my homeland, however, violence is not one I would ever voice out of. 

I understand that the arm security forces who are fighting for us right now have to choice but to act violent toward the invaders. I cannot see what happens at Lahad Datu at the moment, so I pray so there are no innocent life will be taken in the incident. I pray that the worst will never come. 

It is still a wonder how the a hundred of invaders are able to sneak into our motherland overnight, completed with arms. But I doubt our security forces are slacking of on their job. 

For those who are spewing negative remarks on our security forces, I beg of you to stop. They have their loved ones to protect, so why would they be risking their loved ones and their own lives just to the fun of it? 

For those who are throwing hate words on the Philippines, don't let one rotten apple in a case be the cause of reason why the whole carton was thrown away. You have been saying that Sabah has no racist while you kept chanting and calling them 'Pilak'. Life make these immigrant become in survival mode and do bad things just to survive. I'm not defending them, but understands the circumstances and knowing not all of the immigrant are as rotten as you think they are.

For those who have been pointing fingers to the government, you can keep pointing your finger. But what good would it do? Why not join politics, be in the office and run the country. I doubt you can manage thousands of ill wishes thrown to you.

For those who are making jokes out of this situation, think hard with all of your F brain cells for all F sake. I appreciates your sense of humor, but now is not really the appropriate time for some.

For those who been saying rubbish about Malaysia, silence is not stupidity. If you don't know, try to understand instead of accusing. If you think that letting the Sulu get back the 'right' of 'their land', why can't you think that we have the right to choose? Talk about democracy this and that, what will become of our voice? Our right? We, the Sabahan who actually born and live here?

For short, speak less of evil things will not harm anyone while negativity will. 

Pray for Lahad Datu. Pray that life will not be taken. Pray for peace. Pray for our people. Pray for our troupes  Pray for our enemies. Pray for the goodness in humanity.

- JV

DIET 101 - PART V : The Raw, The Frequent and The Junk

Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!

DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.

There a lot of diet types that may or may not help you. Therefore, nutritionist will always repeat the phrase "choose the diet that suits your lifestyle". I know most of you understand what that mean but unable to understand how to choose. It is always advisable to understand before making your decision regarding diet. I will be delighted to bring you through the journey of understanding each diet that have been glamorized by the media.

7. Raw-food Diet
Or Raw foodism is not something that is unfamiliar in within Sabahan community. Raw ulam, bosou, nonsom, cencaluk, hinava, etc. They might be the same dish with different name, but it sound oh-so-delicious! For those who aren't familiar with Sabahan traditional raw-food, there are western recipes for this diet.
The reason why this diet exist is that some people believe that uncooked foods are supposedly much healthier choice for the body. Take example of the broccoli that contains sulforaphane, a cancer fighting compound, can be greatly reduce when cooked. While cooking is unnecessary, heating it okay when it comes to this diet as long as the temperature does not go beyond 118 degrees Fahrenheit.
It is also claimed that raw food naturally contains enzymes that helps our digestive system to digest food and absorb nutrients.
Most people who follow raw foods are vegan. But some animal products like raw milk, raw milk cheese, shashimi, etc can be added in the menu. One must also be caution of foods that cannot be eaten raw such as mushroom, peas, cassava, potatoes, etc.

8. More/Extra/Frequent Meal Diet
This diet has 2 rules: One, to eat 5 to 6 meals a day; and two, take small portion of foods on each meal. Most dietitian and nutritionist will recommend this diet to most people. It was said to be the most effective method to loose weight and I have seen people who succeed.
This dieting method helps to regulate blood sugar, control craving and suppress hunger. It has also been said that this method can boost up you metabolism and helps burn calories.
However, one could over-eating if they have no proper knowledge on how to calculate daily nutrition intake for example calorie counting. Most adult needs 1500 to 2000 calorie. If one consume less, it will result hunger and caused us to eat more; If over-consume, ... well everyone knows what become of energy if it is not burn, right? It will be stored as FAT!

9. Junkfood Diet
I don't know if anyone had ever succeed from this diet but hearing it does not sits well with me. I know junkfood taste good and that is the reason why it is not good for anyone. Most junkfood are sugary or salty, fatty, full of artificial coloring and flavoring, no good nutrition, etc.
Junkfood does not only cover those tidbit snacks you are having in your drawer, they includes Cokes and sodas, processed foods, can food, CAKES, fastfoods, etc.
If you are able to loose weight with junkfood, hands down, I will worship your awesomeness for the rest my life. But still, this is not a good deiting method. Unless you call those unsalted, non-fatty and au-naturale crackers as junkfood, then you're good to go.

A/N: I thought I had published this post last Friday. But I just realize I actually haven't! Oh-The-Horror!

- JV

Friday, February 15, 2013

DIET 101 - PART V : Apple Diet and Liquid Diet

Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!

DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.

There a lot of diet types that may or may not help you. Therefore, nutritionist will always repeat the phrase "choose the diet that suits your lifestyle". I know most of you understand what that mean but unable to understand how to choose. It is always advisable to understand before making your decision regarding diet. I will be delighted to bring you through the journey of understanding each diet that have been glamorized by the media.

5. Apple Diet

This is one of the most simple and healthy diet method one can use. Not necessarily for us in Malaysia, but trust my wallet, it is worth the investment comparing to the medical fee you'll be getting in the future. Consumer can use full red, full green or half red apples in this diet.

The only rule of this diet plan is to eat an apple before each meal. Apple contains fiber which will be enough to make you quarter-full before your meal while it sweetness satisfy your cravings. Therefore, you will eat lot less on your meal after having an apple.

This diet also helps to have better bowel movement. I have read a review about this diet on some forums on the internet, people have lost 3 to 5 kilograms within two weeks.

Some people needs 2 apples in order to feel half or quarter-full before their meal. However, it is not recommended to make juice unless you use a blender and did not adding any additional additive like sugar.

Can be used as a permanent daily diet.

6. Liquid Diet

This is supposedly a diet for patient who have gastrointestinal illness, before or after certain types of surgery involving the mouth or gastrointestinal tract.

There a two kind of method in this diet. Clear liquid diet and full liquid diet. Both diet do not have solid food in its menu. click WIKIPEDIA to read full description for both method.

This diet can be used as permanent or temporary diet. However, consumer must be very knowledgeable to measure the daily nutrition to practice this diet because it is harder to resist the temptation of drinking than eating. What I meant was, with solid food, consumer will feel fuller rather than liquid food. When consumer "drink" their food, they do not feel satisfy. Also, you don't want to put too much additional additive as well.

Consumer needs high discipline if one would like to try this diet. And I don't think there would be many people would stand getting liquid food for the rest of their live, right? Vampire are not people, btw.

- JV 

Friday, February 8, 2013

DIET 101 - PART V : Sugar-Free and Fat Belly Diets

Note: I have divided this topic into several chapters and will be posted out every Friday!!

DISCLAIMER: I am, in NO WAY, encouraging people to not exercise, use the method I recommend here or follow what I do to loose weight. I am only sharing my experience & some tips how I loose my weight. These tips & tricks of dieting is what I am comfortable with and happens to suit me and my lifestyle. However, be reminded that what is good for me might not be for you and like wise. Please refer to your doctor, nutritionist and any health experts to discuss what kind of DIET will suit you and your lifestyle. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Health risk that obese people could face may or may not be revealed in posts regarding with this subject. I may or may not be wrong in my explanation, so I suggest everyone who read this to refer to your doctor or any nearest medical expert to verify this. Readers discretion is highly advised.

There a lot of diet types that may or may not help you. Therefore, nutritionist will always repeat the phrase "choose the diet that suits your lifestyle". I know most of you understand what that mean but unable to understand how to choose. It is always advisable to understand before making your decision regarding diet. I will be delighted to bring you through the journey of understanding each diet that have been glamorized by the media.

3. Sugar-free Diet

This diet does not mean you cannot eat anything at all. People find this diet the hardest diet because every food in this world need sugar and additional flavor. It is not hard at all especially if you follow the basic rule of sugar-free diet.

i. Lessen the amount of your sugar intake little by little in your meal and drinks until you completely felt okay without having it in your food.
ii. Cook at home. With self-made foods, you can control your sugar intake in foods.
iii. Avoid processed foods, frozen for heat foods, instant and junk foods. You can't imagine what made them so addictive.

I found Malaysians FnB use a lot of sugar for cooking. Satay for instance use sugar syrup to make it looks oh-so-glistening on the smoking grill. You may use honey for your self-made satay, but believe me, those satay that were sold at the road side stalls use sugar syrup to cut cost.

Drink plain water instead of teh tarik or air bandung. Cooked plain water is not only good to cool of your body, it also helps to flush down all those excessive cholesterol, glucose and salt out of your system.

Get glucose to you system by consuming natural source like apples and berries. I know that apples are expensive, but they are good investment.

4. Flat Belly Diet

This is a diet where you only consume 1,600 calorie per day and emphasize foods that have Monosaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs). I don't really make a lot of research on this diet so I don't understand how it works. But apparently  it is a diet that can help to shed 15 pounds by loosing the belly fat within 32days without physical and painful exercise. Though this is an interesting diet, I am convince that this is not a permanent diet.

So readers, be warned.

Click here and here to get more details.

- JV